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Welcome to February

It may only be February, but we're already having a busy year at Kennedy. We have continued our conversations around what it takes to have a healthy relationship and what that looks like. On top of that we have started working on Black History Month and thinking through the history, movements, and people that we often don't learn about.

In our healthy relationship unit students spent time learning about emotions. We discussed how and why we have them and the importance of understanding them for ourselves and others. For one of our exersices students put together "In my feelings" playlists. Please take a look at some below, especially if you're needing to add some new music to your life.

As we think about emotions it can be so easy to ignore or not name what we feel. It was fun and insightful to see how students understood their emotions through music.

This last week we also marked the beginning of Black History Month and Black Lives Matter at School Week. Although this is a topic we will continue throughout the month and year, we marked the beginning of February with mini-research projects on some important Black figures.

This semester we are also focusing on what being a leader means and what SEL skills are critical to that role. As we examine past and current leaders we can see how they are able to employ these skills as they work for change. I look forward to seeing how our students here at Kennedy begin to apply SEL skills as they think about the kinds of leaders they want to be.

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